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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- By
- BootBlock/TerraForm
- Does anyone out there watch "The Sky At Night" ?
- Don't laugh! It's very good actually, I've been following it
- for about a year or so now.
- It's on once every month and Patrick Moore presents it, he and his
- guest talks about the universe, stars, blackholes and things. This
- month (28/4/96 - Yesterday!) Patrick (which is a very interesting
- man) and someone was talking about the future of the universe,
- what will happen to it in millions of years time.
- I can't exactly remember what was said (as I was messing about
- installing a couple of things on my Workbench disk and watching
- it pretty much at the same time), but it was something like this
- (I am making some of these up to what I think happened and what
- was said) ....
- The first theory on what will happen to the universe is that is will
- keep expanding. When the universe wasn't the universe as we know it
- (just before the big bang), before the big bang actually happened,
- there was a fluctuation where a few different particles where very
- hot and compressed together. Before the explosion, the fluctuation
- (or the ball - whatever) was surrounded in unknown exotic particles.
- When the big bang occurred, the particles got blown away in all
- directions while the explosion occurred. Space was pushing these
- "exotic" particles outwards, so space was obviously expanding.
- So to this very day, the universe is still expanding and so are
- the galaxies. There is some of those "exotic" particles surrounding
- the edges of space which we haven't discovered yet.
- We can tell the galaxies are expanding by the amount of light
- getting filtered through them. There is a loads of dark matter in
- every galaxy, so when light shines at a galaxy, the dark particles
- that absorb the light (the dark matter) are closely densed together,
- and so light can't shine through the actual galaxy very well.
- Then as the galaxy expands, the dark matter gets diluted and
- start to urm... get un-density-fied (soz, I couldn't think of the
- right word), thus light not getting absorbed (the light particles
- hit the dark particles and then light particles then just die off)
- and more light gets through the galaxy. There now appears to be
- less and less dark matter in the whole universe.
- That's all I think I can remember of this theory - I made some of
- it up to the best of my knowledge.
- Here's the second theory ....
- The second theory is that the universe oscillates (gets bigger, then
- shrinks again, and so on...), and might always will do. But, everytime
- it gets bigger, it will get bigger and stay bigger than before, before
- shrinking again and starting the whole process off again....
- If this theory is true, no-one knows how many times the universe
- has cycled from being nothing, into a great big void. So this
- universe might have been around any number of times before, maybe with
- with different particles and even life. Or we might be the first ones
- to be in the very first universe.
- Everytime the universe formed, there might have been a possibility
- for life, and maybe none.
- This is the third theory, which I think is the most
- scary ....
- The third theory is that the universe will stop expanding and then
- start to shrink (I can't think of the word that is the opposite
- of expand) and then finally The Big Crunch will happen.
- This is where the universe will shrink thus compressing all known
- time, matter, space and everything and crush it all out of
- existence. Thus ending time, matter and space forever.
- -+-
- There was another thing about more than one universe, I know it was
- a theory of some kind, but I can't actually remember. Anyway, I'll
- try to type it the way I think it was ...
- There could be more than one universe. Look at the (badly) drawn
- ASCII picture underneath ....
- "Our Universe" is where we are, the solar system, galaxies, etc.
- The "Another Universe" could be an entirely new universe that has
- nothing to do with us what-so-ever. The Ð's is the so-called
- exotic particles. There could very well be more than two universes.
- Our universe could very well "sprout" other universes. Like ...say for
- example.... you blew a bubble (with one of those bubble things that
- you blow into that has washing up liquid in it), sometimes another
- bubble "grows" out of the side of the main bubble. That's what could
- happen. See the below pic (minus the Exotic Particles - it's an arse
- to do them!) ...
- /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
- | Our |
- | Universe |
- | |
- \____________/¯¯¯¯\
- |Sprout|
- \____/
- The "Sprout" ball, is the new universe which will break off our
- universe and expand while moving away. There could have been loads
- of different universes that have done this off our's.
- Our universe could have well broken off of another universe somewhere
- else. Yer never know.
- -+-
- How BlackHoles Are Formed - According to my (lack) knowledge :
- First of all, after a star has burnt away all is hydrogen, it starts
- to shrink because. While it is shrinking, it gets dimmer and darker.
- It then turns into a red dwarf (good series that is!), and cools down
- very rapidly until it turns it a black dwarf, in-which there is NO
- light what-so-ever shining or even dimming from it.
- Some stars go so cold and hard that they start to absorb light instead
- of actually emitting it. And then the star has a HUGE gravatational
- pull which starts to absorb (nicking) energy/light from another star
- close by and ANYTHING (including light, radio waves, micro-waves,
- x-ray, etc).
- The black dwarf's pull gets so strong that it caves in on itself and
- crushes itself out of existence. Then it leaves behind something called
- a BlackHole, which absorbs ANYTHING & EVERYTHING.
- No-one actually knows where the "tail" of the blackhole goes, but
- there was some strong theories on where it does go, but I seem to
- have forgotten them.
- Around the outside of the blackhole, the is no space as such.
- NOTHING exists around the outside of the hole for about 2-3 miles.
- ~~~~~~~
- After a while, the blackhole starts to emit very strong micro-waves
- and x-rays. Not many beams of the waves gets shot out from the hole,
- but it gradually starts to emit LOADS of beams all over the place.
- I can't remember what happens after that. Sorry.
- =-+-=
- Well, I hope you liked that, I did.
- Maybe next issue I'll write about Pulsar's and Jet's.
- A Pulsar is a spinning thingy that shoots out x-rays at incredible
- speed.
- A Jet gets shot out from a huge disc like thing in space.
- The Jets that get shot out are SUPER-FINE and get shot out for
- loads of miles.
- =-+-=
- If anyone else has any interesting stories, then send em in!
- =-+-=
- I have written this for Da Word
- because I'm a kind sod !
- Signed
- BootBlock/TerraForm
- (aka Joseph Cox)